
Phishing Prevention Tool:

Phishing is a Social Engineering attack that guides users into taking actions that leads to loss of data /loss of confidentiality / Loss of Privacy and other security issues. Research shows that even with best of user education, 4% of all phishing attacks are likely to succeed.
Our Phishing prevention tool is a state of art solution for enterprise that uses the AI based analytics to sense the phishing attack and actively prevents users from taking wrong actions.

Want to check a document /email for Phishing attack?

Upload document facility, Display box for result.

Secure Knowledge Management:

Knowledge management saves a good percent of everyone’s time in making right knowledge available to right person whenever needed while ensuring confidentiality, Integrity and availability of the information

Our Secure Knowledge Management tool is a state of art solution for enterprise that uses the AI based analytics to sense the data classification level of the information and labels those accordingly. It also enforces security as per the classification level while making data easily available to all the authorized recipients.

It gives the enterprise to define the classification levels as needed in the business/Compliance guidelines.

The tool also ensures multimodal easy search, retrieval, and updates of the data across using Text, Speech, Video, Images, PDF documents, MS Documents etc

Decision Support System:

SCM Security – Automotive:

Predictive Maintenance for Machines: