Automotive Cyber Security

  • As per UNECE 155/UNECE 156 mandate-All passenger vehicles need to be certified to be cyber safe.
  • It is the responsibility of the OEM to ensure certification, and have processes in place to manage the entire lifecycle to be cyber safe
  • Currently approx. 54 countries, incl EU, UK, Japan, Aus, NZ are signatories. Hence in these countries beyond the June 2024 deadline no new passenger car model can be sold unless it is certified to be cyber safe.
  • Supporting Business Context and Requirements
  • Supporting Cyber Security Management System (CSMS) Development
  • Project Dependent Cybersecurity Management support
  • Distributed Development Cybersecurity management support
  • Regular (Continued) Cybersecurity Management Support
  • Supporting Cybersecurity in Product
    1. Concept phase
    2. Development phase
    3. Post Production phase
  • Threat And Risk Analysis (TARA) Support